Microbiome Epidemiology Working Group (MEWG)

The Microbiome Epidemiology Working Group (MEWG) is an informal presentation environment in which students, postdoctoral fellows, researchers, and junior faculty can present works-in-progress in a welcoming environment. It’s made to showcase microbiome population studies from a variety of settings, including immune and inflammatory disease, infectious disease, nutritional epidemiology, and molecular or microbial ecology. Presentation format is an informal seminar, which should include work that is not yet published and under development, possibly in a very early state; questions for and interactions with the audience are encouraged.

MEWG takes place every other Monday, 3-4 pm, during the fall and spring semesters. Fall 2024 meetings will be offered in a hybrid format, unless otherwise noted. Locations will be listed in the flyers that go out ahead of the meetings. If you are not currently on the MEWG listserv and would like to be added, please reach out to Nicole Levesque.

Fall 2024:

September 9 Christopher Smillie
September 23 Xueyang Dong
October 7 Nolan Maier
October 21 Yin Zhang
November 4 Jiaxian Shen
November 18 Etienne Nzabarushimana
December 2 Yuxi Liu
December 16 Tami Lieberman